5000 Ones for One

Given by 1 generous donor
0% Complete
Help us reach our goal of $7,000

I want to help!

The Team

  • Andrew E. Smith

Meet my friend Molamin Majang.

This young man lives in The Gambia which is a beautiful country located in West Africa.  For Gambians that live in rural areas experience extreme poverty. Truly there is little opportunity for a bright future.

I am asking for your financial support, prayers, and spiritual wisdom to help my friend.  I would like to raise $5000 dollars for Molamin to start a small business, a general store, that will also benefit his village community of 200.  This will provide a job for Molamin, and an opportunity to provide for his family. The $ 2000 dollars I am asking for will be for flights, additional travel expenses, and humanitarian aid supplies (Lights, water, food and Bibles!)

How will this be implemented?

I will buy the most economical airplane ticket from Ohare, Chicago, IL and leave for Banjul, The Gambia as soon as possible to Molamin and help set up his shop for 12 days. 

Price Breakdown:

$1400 - Rent for shop space for one year

$3600 - Goods for shop

$869 - Economical Round trip flight

$431- Car rental / Hotel / Other travel expenses

$700 - Humanitarian Aid items:  Lights, Water, Food, and Bibles!

This is the verse that moved me to action.

James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep onself unstained from the world.

Molamin and his 11 sibilings are orphans. They seriously struggle every single day. Breaks my heart that hunger and being with out a father is their normal.

A little about me. My name is Andrew Smith I am an artist, dog musher, filmmaker, and bbq sauce enthusiast! Most importantly I follow Jesus, and want to be apart of His plans. I currently attend a non demonational church, Christ Centred Community church in Willow, Alaska. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Peace, and Blessings,

Andrew E. Smith


Andrew E. Smith