***Urgent Blessings Needed For Single Mom of 2 Affected by Cov-19 Pandemic***

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The Team

  • Desiree Carter

Urgent Help and Blessings Needed

My friend a hard working single mother of 2 children, (A son, A daughter) and wants to provide for her family. She needs prayers as well as any kind of help or assistance right now.

"Please if you can find it in your heart to donate even a $1. I know my mom would be grateful. I know me and my kids are grateful, to anyone who is willing to help us in this tought time." -Crystal Marie

She's tried everything she can. Contacting the courts and remaining earthly family. She needs any kind of help or assistance that anyone can help with. She's on the brink of homelessness as her landlord has threatened eviction. And her earthly mother was called home on June 27th, 2020. She has tried finding a funeral home willing to take payments and if she doesn't have the money for the funeral the state will take possession of her mom's body.

Her landlord is also threatening eviction and Her work was shut down due to the COV-19 pandemic and she has yet to recover. She has been looking for work but has none let alone a job that will allow her to provide for herself and her 4 children. 

"Which may be illlegal as in the state of Pennsylvia where she is located a landlord has to give 15 days notice that the lease will not be renewed. If the lease is a year or longer there is 30 days notice needed. Landlords in Pennsylvania also must give notice on eviction plans and the number of days depends on reason for attempting eviction. Also Tenants have the right to get their security deposit back within 30 days of leaving the property. If a deposit had any deductions any itemized list for any damanages and actual amount of charges must be provided. If not provided tenant has right to sue for double amount of deposit."

  • Funds she has so far were ment for relocation expenses for her and the children. However she is willing to sacrifice it just to provide her mother a funeral.
  • "If you knew my mom, you know she would have given her last to help someone out." - Crystal Marie
  • Possible total of funeral expense = 2800.

"Thank you for reading and thank you to anyone who helps us." -Crystal Marie

Resources found by Organizer so far: 


"If you can help Crystal Marie get connected please do. Thank you God Bless You - Desiree Carter

Contact Crystal Marie











Update #1

Crystal Marie Martelli's mom Diane Marie Martelli Obituary


Diane Marie Martelli Obituary



