IWhoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. – Proverbs 19:17. I have so many things to say and I have so many needs not for just me but my children and my mom and step dad. Let me first say that it doesn't matter how much you give even donating 1 dollar would be such a blessing. That would help us more than you even realize. And even if you can't donate I would definitely appreciate any prayers or encouragement. I could really use that too. I've been really down and now having such a hard time trying to take all of this in here is a little bit of what's going on so you can understand why I'm starting this fundraiser. well Let me start with me. About 3 weeks ago I went to my monthly dr appointment and wasn't expecting the news I got from my doctor.Well he told me that I have ms. He didn't really explain much about it just referred me to someone else . I was tested for nueropathy and that's what I was originally diagnosed with anyways he said That I need to immediately go to the dr he referred me to he wants me to get a MRI and some other tests. I just lost my job due to covid I was on unemployment a few weeks but now I have nothing no money no way to support me and my kids. . Not only this my step dad has been sick and he only has a few years to live he had to retire from his 30 dollar an hour job to disability. Now him and my mom just tested positive for covid. It's such a mess everything is. My kids have so many needs and I feel horrible because I am having to beg people for money. I feel embarrassed.asking anyone. I have been in alot of pain and my energy is been low. I still have been looking for a job filling out tons of applications. My need is far greater than 5000 but I know the Lord will provide. I felt led to come to this website. I'm asking for help for my family. If you can give please if you can spare it. I and my family really could use the help. I have faith that this will be seen by people who have the ability to help. God will bless you in return. This is a super big blessing if this can be fulfilled. God bless you all and thank you for your support.