Aid for Myanmar / Burmese Orphans

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The Team

  • Michael C. Bagley


Online Post Orphan #1:

#PrayForMyanmar This is the face of an orphan whose future is largely unknown in Myanmar. Abandoned by his mother, cared for by his not so older brother and sister in a remote hut in the mountains until a Christian orphanage took them all in. The recent military coup has placed a target on the backs of them and others like them who make up the small ethnic and Christian population in Magway. Militant Buddhist Burmese nationalists are supported by the military in their attacks against ethnic and religious minorities to cleanse Myanmar of non-Buddhists and non-Burmese nationals. This young boy and many like him need our help. If you can help, please donate to (link to donation site). Funds will be used to provide food, water, and if needed visas to get them out of Myanmar and into refugee camps in neighboring countries.

Online Post Orphan #2:

#PrayForMyanmar This young boy’s Buddhist mother was raped in the forests of Myanmar. When she was close to giving birth she found refuge with a local pastor and had her baby in his home where he delivered the baby and even cut his umbilical cord. The mother could not bear the shame of her rape and abandoned her child with the Pastor. He did not have the resources to care for the child himself and took the child to an orphanage in Magway where he is being raised and cared for by loving workers there. His life and many like him are now in danger with this most recent coup. Nationalists are looking for ethnic minorities like him and those who share his faith to violently remove them from Myanmar, and these radicals are all protected by the military. This young boy and many like him need our help. If you can help please donate to (link to donation site). Funds will be used to provide food, water, and if needed visas to get them out of Myanmar and into refugee camps in neighboring countries.
