Missionary Family (UK)

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The Team

  • Mike Maxwell

Two years ago my wife and I, along with our two children sold everything, including our house. We bought an RV to travel the country. Our dream had become a reality. Unfortunately, as things unfolded we realised that the RV we had been sold was not fit for purpose. Leaks, wiring issues, problems with the batteries. You name it we experienced it. We ended up losing everything and spending most of our money in a legal battle to get our money back. This took place over a 12 month period and when we finally got our money back we had to use the remaining funds on legal fees and finding stable accommodation.  God's love has lifted us through this time and only through Him and His grace have we been able to rebuild our life. Our faith has been strengthened during this time of struggle and now, after spending time in prayer and meditating on Gods word we believe we are being called to travel again. I have fought against and questioned my calling, especially over the last 12 months. However, we believe God has used this time to strengthen our faith and resolve for the road ahead of us. We cannot deny Gods call on our lives any longer.  My family and I are ready to follow Gods will. I believe God is placing it on ours hearts to travel and share our family testimony with others. We believe, as a family, we are being called to help and serve others who are in need. We hope to travel the UK and specifically help those in remote areas of the country currently cut off due to the pandemic and also target inner city youth; preaching  the gospel to those who might not necessarily have heard the message of Jesus. Our overall aim and calling is to bring more people to God and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. We put all our trust in the Lord and what he has called us to do in His will. When we get back on the road we will be documenting all of our travels so people can see how we get on. The money will help towards our transportation and cover insurance costs. As an associate lecturer I am planning to teach online to support us financially and we are also placing our complete trust in God for the rest. If anyone wants to hear more about our story and how we have arrived at the point please get in touch with us. Thanks for taking the time to read about our story on here. God Bless. 
