Like Father Like Son

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The Team

  • Julian


Like Father Like Son (LFLS) is a music ministry project with one purpose, to spread the truth of God's love, mercy and compassion through the story of Jesus Christ as the true and only saviour of the world. The mission is essential because new music and holy spirit inspired worship can be the way through which people encounter the living Jesus personally.

LFLS is the brainchild of Julian De Maria who is a Brisbane based singer/songwriter who attends Nexus Church and loves Holy Spirit-led worship. Julian believes God is calling him to release his original music as the artist “Like Father Like Son”. The name came to Julian one day while in a moment of deep lament. Julian tangibly felt God write on his heart that he is his heavenly Father’s son. Like Father Like Son was born!

The goal of this music ministry project is to produce and release seven original songs. The first song of the seven is completed, 'He is Mine’. Please check that out in the above YouTube video. The LFLS team would greatly appreciate it if you liked the video, left a comment to let us know what you think, shared it, and subscribed to our channel for future videos!


God has equipped the LFLS team for this very special project, but they cannot fulfil the ministry role alone; they need people who will pray and give generously towards the ministry.  Would you become a partner with Like Father Like Son by giving towards this project? The LFLS team are looking to raise $2,500 by October 2021 to fund the production, recording, mixing, and mastering of the seven songs. By pledging towards this album, you’re not only helping LFLS complete the project, but you’re becoming an essential part of this mission and God’s work!

So, if you believe in the power of music and songs that are made to inspire and encourage, and if you want to help light the fire of revival across our lands, please contribute to this campaign to help Julian and the LFLS team get this album completed and out to the masses!

God bless you and thank you for all your prayers and support!

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