Luketekelo Orphan Foundation Seed Starter

Given by 10 generous donors
33% Complete
Help us reach our goal of $1,500

I want to help!

The Team

The Luketekelo Orphan Foundation is a Christian ministry that exists to help, and nuture, teach, and provide for orphans, the disabled, widows, and those in dire need in the Northwestern Region of Zambia, Africa. The Foundation is now registered and we have a property that was given to the ministry near Mufumbwe! It is a great provision from the Lord!  There are no existing ministries of this nature in the area and the needs are great!  One in ten people in Zambia are considered orphans, and the economy is very poor.  We need to get the land surveyed, and boundaries put up, as well as pay for the processing of the land registration, and title work. In all we need to raise $1500 to make sure the land goes into our name permanently!! Please help us.  We are sending out a coffee mug with our logo as a reminder to pray for our ministry to anyone who donates to our seed campaign!!  











Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
David A Hector
Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver