I caught COVID - and then went BLIND

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  • Steve Simon

I am a Christian. I underwent emergency retinal surgery in both eyes this past Thursday 4-22-2021 due to complications caused by the COVID virus. They wanted to do surgey sooner but could not because I was still in quarantine.

I am in desperate need of financial assistance. I cannot do hardly anything and have no support group to assist me. I will have to hire people to do everyday tasks and take me to followup appointments. I am a seasonal worker and do not receive public assistance of any kind. All of this is medically documented.

My right retina became fully detached and my left partially detached due to sinus pressure, violent coughing and vomiting, sneezing and blowing from COVID. The left was repaired using laser and is getting better but the right neewded full retinal reattachment with an air bubble and belt inserted. It developed complications and required secondary surgery yesterday 4-23. My recovery is 2-4 months to regain my full vision if at all. I am typing this using one eye and a magnifying glass.

Any assistance of any kind would be a huge blessing and greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this request and God Bless.

Steve Simon
