Gift giver

Given by 15 generous donors
1% Complete
61 days left to reach our $100,000 goal

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  • Matt

About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with heart failure. I was a auto technician for 28 years, but recently my health has diminished, and was forced to leave that profession due to being to physically demanding. I've been really struggling. I have a wife and 2 children that I'm trying to support. I will need a heart transplant in the near future. Life expectancy without one is 1-5 years. My insurance will not pay for a transplant which could be upward of $1.5 million dollars. Just my medication alone is over $2,000 a month. I have other medical issues On top of the heart failure. 14 years ago I broke my L1 vertebrae, had surgery but has never been the same. I also tore my meniscus on my left knee 5 years ago and had surgery on that. That left me with a large popliteal cyst, which the doctors don't want to mess with it. They drained it 5 times and comes right back within a week. I'm limited in what I can do. I  had a pacemaker/defibrillator implanted back in July of 2022. I owe the unpaid balance of $78K that the insurance did not cover for the ICD implant. I have had 2 back surgeries within the last 7 1/2 months. Owe the unpaid balance of $61K for the 2 combined. As it stands I'm in debt with just doctor bills over 140 K. I am also scheduled for 2 cervical spinal fusions on my neck C5, C6, and, C7 this coming Friday, Nov. 17th, 2023. That will be 3 surgeries this year within 7 1/2 months. I'm still recovering from the last 2 surgeries. I am also considering a barostim implant that my cardiologist said may help until we can get a donor heart, but at this point that will probably be next year. I have filed for disability about a year and a half ago, and still have not been approved. It pains me to ask for help, and I'm embarrassed, but at this point I have no other choice. I'm not one to ask for help. I appreciate anyone that could help me. Your donations would help with support of my family and go towards medication, doctor bills, and hopefully in the near future a heart transplant. Please help me. Thank you so much for your consideration. I want to thank each and every one that has donated. It means a great deal to me. God bless you all.


Kiley Rae Hockenberry
Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
C.D. Wissler
Anonymous WayGiver
Christopher Treloar
Brenda Hockenberry
Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
Bobbin W Corey
Branden j Buchanan
Deanna L Hockenberry