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The Team

  • Spirit Filled Generation


Greetings in Jesus Mighty Name !

Spirit Filled Generation is a youth ministry rasied by God to impact many for the Kingdom of God. Through our music & youth ministry we were able to impact & transform more then 5000+ life's last year only.

We are located in Agra INDIA with a purpose & plan from God to reach out the unreached with the Love of God. In our journey till now we recording many sounds & did more then 80+ program through which riased many youths for the Lord's Ministry.

As we focused through our Music Ministry which brought a great result for us that through music we impacted many life's but due to our limited resources we use to spend so much for recording songs in rented stuidos but God put in our heart to build A SOUND RECORDING STUDIO which will be used for the Kingdom of God & Worshippers can come there & record songs & worship our Lord Jesus Christ.

Till now we youths spend their pocket money & monthly salaries to produce songs  but  now praying to build it.

Therefore I reuqest you to stand with us in whatever way possible to build a sound recording studio.

donation what you can because we have to reach mnay in India with the Gospel of the lord Jesus Christ.

Thanking you for your prayers, love & help for us.

Pr. Justin Paul

Assitant Pastor & Spirit Filled Generation -HBF


