Help a HERO Nurse- Fired : Vaccine Mandate

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  • Stephanie Ann Grandy

Please help a hero nurse Stephanie Grandy, RN, and mother of 7 who worked through the pandemic and was fired and escorted off the hospital premises for refusing to take the COVID shot.


The hospital moved her family 1300 miles to work for them, just to fire her!


They handed her a letter saying they were giving her 7 days to reconsider getting the COVID shot, refusing to admit they were firing her; all while having a security escort to clean out her office, they took her badge, and took her keys. They did this one month before the governor's mandate went into effect. They said she was being too vocal against the mandate on the news and social media.

The letter they gave her states she has no right to religious exemption.


"Please help! The hospital system moved my family to Maine from NC to work at the hospital here in November 2020. My husband and I are both nurses. We gave up our home and our jobs in NC to serve a rural community in Northern Maine. We both submitted our religious exemptions for our strongly and sincerely held religious beliefs not to accept the COVID shot prior to the governor's announcement stating no religious exemptions will be accepted. Our constitutional right to religion is being violated. We will have no job and no income. We sold our home in NC and purchased a house 2 blocks from the hospital we were brought here to work for. My husband is in a nurse practitioner program and not allowed to complete his clinicals. We have children and we gave up our lives to move here and serve a community who badly needed nurses and providers. Now we will be financially crippled and lose everything. There is nowhere else we can work. Please help us! Thank you so much!".
