On June 9, 2019 I was called to the prophetic by the Lord. I heard Him ask, are you willing to give it all up for Me? I heard this 3 times before I said yes. The process began and God started pruning me and cleaning up my life but I had no idea what He was preparing me for until March 20, 2020. That day turned out to be my hour of visitation & July 1, 2020 I was called into the wilderness to be tried in the fire of affliction. Fast forward to today February 7, 2022. Almost 2 years later, I’m now finally ready to emerge as a sent one operating in my divine purpose. The clearing in the wilderness has been revealed & the time has come to start helping others through my own life’s experiences and deliverances. I went from having a pretty comfortable life in NYC, to losing everything in the course of 2years. Still, I gained my peace & strength & built a stronger, more genuine relationship with God, one that I've never had before. I don’t know about you, but with the current state of the world that we live in, it’s no longer a world I WANT to be a part of. Not like this. There is less and less love in the world. Hate is growing, people are getting angrier by the minute & let me not forget to mention the alarming rate perversion is growing at. Yet, there are so many others crying out for help. Not just in the world but also in the church. Many are broken. People do want healing. They just don’t know how to move forward so they can get it. I have always been a person who loves to help others find their way, both to God & their purpose in life. People (both strangers and people that I already know) from around the world always seem to find their way to me for advice, guidance or just prayer. So, it made perfect sense for me to embark upon this new journey. That’s why I decided to begin a Christian Life Coaching & Consulting Business. I wanted to begin this back in 2019 but, The Lord said not yet. At the beginning of February THIS year though, I finally felt the release in my spirit to go forward with this endeavor. The Lord said, it’s time. I now have a story to tell and I know it will help a lot of people who may have addictions, struggles and burdens, to get free as I did, so that they can live the life God has always meant for them to live, flourishing in their FULL potential.
Now, I’ve already begun the steps of building this business, connecting with an advertising company as well as an accredited & board certified Christian Life Coaching Business for future training. When the pandemic hit my non profit (Gospel Workshops International, Inc.) in 2020, things came to a stand still financially speaking for me, & quite abruptly, as I am sure some of you may have also experienced at some point in the pandemic. Every new venture, like most, requires funding, and since I am just starting to re-incorporate myself into society, it is not in my budget right now to cover ALL of the expenses by myself. This is where YOU come in.
Are you willing to become a partner & show your support by giving to this Christian life coaching & consulting startup? A small gift would contribute to the $6500 needed to launch the website, all advertising, including Google ads, funneling, & costs to cover the fees for the companies (& their teams) I am working with, ensuring its success. I am reaching out to all of you because I cannot do this alone. So, please consider giving a gift so that this can reach & help as many people as possible around the globe overcome and get freed from their struggles. I will be focusing on consulting & or coaching those who want to move forward from past traumas such as child molestation, and overcome addictions such as pornography and sexual sins so they can live life freely in their God given purpose. If God did it for me, I believe my story will show them He can do it for them too.
In doing so as a part of my gratitude, I will include you in the process of bringing this to life. I will update you once a week to let you know how things are progressing. When it is finished I will offer you or a loved one ONE free session (how long depends on your level of support up to an hour and a half). So again, please consider giving so that this vision can become a reality. I love you with the love of the Lord and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Be blessed & stay healthy!
In His Service,