Vi's Missional Move--> Starting "Dash in Between" Podcast

Given by 1 generous donor
2% Complete
Help us reach our goal of $1,200

I want to help!

The Team

  • Vi Nguyen

Hi Folks!

It's me, Vi.

As many of you know, God has saved my girls and I, almost 7 years ago, from a home full of domestic abuse. 

From the second that we left that house, He has taken us under His wing and protected and provided for us each step of the way. 

Through this incredibly hard journey, we have survived through the toughest storms, and all because of His goodness. 

With that being said, He has asked me to share our story through podcasting. He gave me this dream over a year ago, that by sharing our journey, the heartaches and breakthroughs, the incredible people we've met along the way, and the wisdom we've gained, we would be able to help so many see Him. 

My goal is to help others, and glorify God through this podcast. 

I am humbly asking for your help to get this off the ground. The funds will go towards a podcasting workshop, equipment, software, and the fees to for the host sites. 

This is not my podcast, but His podcast. I would so grateful for anything you can help contribute.

If you cannot contribute at this time, prayers are just as valuable. Please pray for protection (because sharing our story always brings in safety factors, for us and for those we help), for finally launching, for strength and endurance to keep moving forward, and for it to reach those whom it needs to reach, and for it to always glorify HIM. 

Thank you so much for your help. Thank you for believing in me and trusting me to steward your donations for the Kingdom. And thank you for the prayers and sharing this link with others! There is no way I could do this alone. <3

With sincere gratitude, 


PS. The Lord already gave me a name for this podcast

-Dash in Between-

*Life changing events that reveal God's handiwork between

 DOB and the DOD*

*DOB- Date of birth

*DOD- Date of death

This fundraiser ends on November 13th. Exactly 7 years from the day we fled. That was the day our lives changed forever because of Jesus.


“through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:2‬ ‭


Jeremy McEachron