Mission Trip to Finland

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Help us reach our goal of $13,200

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The Team

  • Linda

Hi! My name is Linda and my son and I are about to embark on a new adventure. We are committing a year of our lives to help establish a Christian Lifestyle Center in Finland. Finland has seen a dramatic decrease in Christianity over the past 20 years. This chilling statistic needs to be remedied. My job will be to create a self-sustaining working model that allows us to operate autonomously from the government. After the year we intend to bring this model back to America where we will help others create Christian Centers of Influence that are autonomous from the government. If you believe in these ideals please support us as we raise funds to get to Finland! And if you want to keep track of our progress I will be posting a link to our vlog where you can watch videos of our progress and stay in touch! God Bless! 
