Support for aspiring and seasoned Christian authors

Given by 1 generous donor
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The Team

  • John Lethin
  • Jerry S. Troyer

Vessels of Hope Missions

God has gifted mighty men and women of faith to create written works. To orchestrate a work(s) to be published and made available to the public in book, eBook and Audio book formats. These works can set the world on fire for Christ, create a huge revival, or inspire a reader, or change the works of a church. These works need to be published.

Aspiring authors and experienced authors who receive epiphanies and revelation from the Lord are ready to share their stories with believers, and make available their publication to non-believers and seekers. Yet most are hamstrung due to publishing, and marketing costs. Addititionally, some or most of these craftspeople must work and have little time to finish their project. The writers need stipends to take a sabbatical from their career positions to complete their writings. 

That is where Vessels of Hope Missions comes in. We financially aid authors for self-publsihers and financially support them with marketing costs. We provide stipend to writers who need to take time away from their jobs to complete their project. For those authors who are seeking a book publisher contract, we work with literary agents to find a publisher who will complete the publishing process. 

Vessels of hOpe Missions is a federally registered non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. Gifts will be tax deductible



Jerry S. Troyer