Belize Medical Mission Trip 2023

Given by 21 generous donors
56% Complete
Help us reach our goal of $2,560

I want to help!

The Team

  • Ellie Hoffman

Hello friends and family! 

As you may know, I am currently in my second year of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at UW Madison. This May I will be traveling to Belize through the UW with the Physician Assistant and Pharmacy program students as a part of Mission H.E.L.P, a medical mission trip organization; it stands for Heal, Educate, Learn, and Provide. We seek to provide healthcare and education to medically underserved communities both globally and domestically, while also increasing the knowledge and awareness of healthcare students while working with these populations. 

This mission will allow myself, and the other graduate students, an opportunity to reach out to those in great need and to engage in a unique learning opportunity. The purpose of a medical
service trip is not only to address the immediate health care needs of the population, but also to improve the general health and wellbeing of those we serve through health and dental education. When we reach our destination (Independence, Belize), we will work with several local clinics, including the faith-inspired, non-profit Hillside Clinic, to provide free, vital medical services including pediatric, maternity, dental, and emergency care. This trip also hopes to conduct cervical cancer screening throughout the area as well. We anticipate treating more than 100 patients per day. This time will also count towards my clinical requirements and experience. 

In order to make this trip a success, I am requesting your help. I am hoping to fundraise in order to cover the expenses associated with the trip including room and board, food, medications, medical supplies, teaching materials, and flights. Unfortunately, the UW does not offer financial assistance to NP students traveling on this mission trip. Anything you are able to give, from financial donation to medical supply donation, would be greatly appreciated. In particular, the program is hoping to gather medical supplies, including dental supplies, Covid-19 testing kits, as well as condoms specifically. For any donations, feel free to reach out if you are interested in donating medical supplies (of which I can come pick up), or if you prefer to donate via Venmo instead (without associated fees). Again, I would greatly appreciate it! 

I sincerely thank you all in advance for your time and consideration,


Ellie Hoffman, BSN, RN

DNP Student, UW Madison


Sally Wolff
Jane Carlson
Heidi Tune
Savannah Wallace
Janet Boyce
Anonymous WayGiver
Luis Herrera
Amanda Barrera
Oscar Herrera
Joe Korb
Margaret Korb
Pamela Hegg
Pamela Hegg
Christine Hamacher
Cynthia E Hoffman
Jacqueline m Kinney
Jacalyn Nelson