Join Our Mission to Spread the Word of God

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The Team

  • Paul Joseph

Join Our Mission to Spread the Word of God

The Handbook for a Disciple of Jesus has been very well received by all who have had a chance to use it. The handbook is currently available for download online, and is also offered as hard copy. 

Linda and I have been using the handbook in our daily witnessing. We find it to be the very best "follow up" to help "disciple" the people that we lead to the Lord. We have sometimes, just given the book to some people without much explanation, only to find out that they get back in touch with us to ask for prayer and counsel saying that they've been reading the book every day and it has helped them understand their new identity, their inheritance and their authority as children of the kingdom.  

Our goal is to translate it into 20 different languages by the end of the year.

We already have people who have committed to pay for the handbook to be translated into Russian as well as in Navajo, (indigenous American language).

We would like to ask if any of you would want to participate in getting the handbook into another language. The cost of each translation is approximately $500.

If there is any language you would like to see the Handbook translated into, please let us know. We have included a link below where you could send your donation. Thank you ever so kindly.

Here are the different languages that we are hoping to start with: Chinese (mandarin), Russian, French, Indonesian, Tagalog, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Japanese, Urdu.

However, if there are any other languages that you have a specific desire for, and may have a distribution channel for, please let us know.

Also, if some of you would like to receive hard copies of the Handbook to give to people that you are witnessing to, we have quite a few handbooks available both in English and in Spanish. We had breakfast with a pastor this last week who was going to be one of the speakers at a men's retreat this weekend, and he asked if he could get 50 copies to give to each one of the men who will be attending. Yay, a "discipleship tool" in the home of all these fathers.  

So please get in touch, and we can send you however many copies you would need.
