The Scandinavian Mission

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Help us reach our goal of $3,700

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The Team

  • Kaspar Tambaur


Hi, my name is Kaspar. In November 2022, my wife Ashley and I got to see our dream come true as we got to lead a team of fully committed Christians to plant a church here in Stockholm, Sweden.

Sweden is in dire need of Jesus' message of love and salvation and the Bible:

  • Sweden is the third most atheistic country in the world after China and Japan with 78% of the population being atheist (WIN-Gallup 2017)
  • Sadly, the form of Christianity common in Sweden does not even see faith in God as a necessity
  • Sweden has the fifth highest rate of antidepressant use in OECD countries with over 10 percent of the population using some form of antidepressant (OECD Statistics 2019)
  • Sweden is the world’s loneliest country. More people live alone in Sweden than anywhere else in Europe; over half of all households are home to single people (Immigroup)

Praise God, as we have already had an impact in seeing people become devoted Christians - and many others are hungry for God's word!

As a small team, our need is to raise the funds to sustain the missionary work done in Sweden - specifically our Sunday venue and the upkeep for the missionaries. This fundraiser is intended to cover a part (39000 SEK or 3700 USD) of the yearly cost of 202,800 SEK (19586 USD) of our Sunday venue where we worship. Please help us out so that we can advance Christianity here in Sweden and in other Scandinavian countries in the future!

"... for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2Cor 9:7

God bless!
