"Building Hope, One Brick at a Time"

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The Team

  • Patricia Ochoa

Driven by God's call and unwavering resolve, we, Hope Pagsanjan and Emmanuel District embark on this purposeful crowdfunding initiative. Extending our appeal to the global community, seeking your invaluable support in creating a physical sanctuary—a house of prayer, a cherished place for worship, and a refuge for all souls seeking solace in the embrace of Jesus —a place where the Hope Pagsanjan community can gather, grow, and flourish together.

A Journey of Faith

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. - Genesis 50:2020 

When a Digital Marketer lost his job in Singapore, he was forced to go back home to Philippines. With no immediate job available to him, a wife and 2 children studying and with 3 months of pay withheld, he looked for different ways to make ends meet. While struggling to provide for his family, he, together with his leaders saw the opportunity to start a house church in his home town of Pagsanjan Laguna. there, In the heart of Pagsanjan, where faith moved this family to start a fellowship and reach out to their neighbours, the good news was proclaimed. They became a devoted community with a hunger for spiritual nourishment and a passion to reach out for the loss.

Sowing Seeds of Hope
Even in their humble circumstances, they tirelessly gathered in small houses, continuously being a vessel of God's love and bearer of good news. God was faithful and their numbers started to grow. What started as a small group of 4 people has grown to a community of almost 100 believers. What started as a house church became an avenue for more people to come to know Christ and be blessed. Now with 7 lifegroups happening 3 days a week, Hope Pagsanjan is facing a challenge of containing the harvest. With the space becoming increasingly cramped, unable to accommodate the church within the houses, they gathered in fields and open spaces. Although they knew THEY ARE THE CHURCH, they longed for a larger, more accommodating space. The seeds of a collective dream was sown—a dream that transcends individual homes and creates a united vision of a church building.

The Start of the Dream
In the latter part of 2022, a divine opportunity presented itself as a plot of land in Pagsanjan became available for sale and with the support of the Emmanuel District (a Filipino Congregation from Hope Singapore) and with much prayer and seeking God's direction, we were able to purchase it. The Hope Pagsanjan community together with Emmanuel District have started to raise funds to build our own Hope Pagsanjan Church.The community understands that the road ahead will be challenging, but our unwavering faith, strong conviction and resilient spirit fuels our determination. We continue to come together, forging a bond of unity, pooling our humble resources and talents to bring our dream to life.

Building with God One Brick at a Time
There is a story about three bricklayers: A man saw three bricklayers working on the same structure and he asked them one by one “What are you doing?”The first bricklayer says, “I am laying bricks.”The second one says, “I am building a church.”And the third responds, “I am building the house of God.” From this story we can see that the first bricklayer has a job. The second bricklayer has a career. But the third has a calling.In the parable of the bricklayers, everyone has the same job, but their subjective experience, how they viewed their own work and purpose couldn’t be more different.
The task of building Hope Pagsanjan is something we are not able to accomplish by our own strength or resources, we partner with God in this endeavour. But we also seek the support and partnership of kind-hearted souls near and far who recognize the power of faith and the impact a physical church can have on a community's spiritual growth.
Each generous donation, are bricks being laid down to build a cathedral for the Lord in Pagsanjan Laguna - it may be a small and simple structure, but it's purpose is great!

We pray that you would consider supporting and partnering with us in this great calling by donating to our Waygiver Campaign. 
