A Fresh Start and Safe Place for Hailey

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Help us reach our goal of $7,000

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The Team

  • Cydnie Martin

You're seeing this because you care about Hailey, a young woman who needs a big hug from you today so she can have a fresh start, renewed faith in humanity and purpose in life after suffering silently for too long from spousal abuse, severe daily migraines, and deep depression.


We are raising funds to get her independent, into her very own safe space, and confidently walking a new path in life as she aims to complete her college degree.


(Don't worry she's currently in a temporary place, but safe and sound for now).


She has been working on her third year of college at Arizona State University, loves gardening, baking, reading, animals, and being very generous herself. Let's help her find her way back to her true self!

