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The Team

  • Toh Chin Leng

The Inspiration

When the world thinks of the Church, understandably unity is not exactly what comes to mind. The modern generation sees it as fragmented, divided and compromised. Most are disillusioned, critical and even outright hostile towards the Church as we fumble trying to be salt and light.

In John 17:20-26, just before He was arrested at the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed fervently that those who believe in Him will be one, just as He is one with the Father. But instead of being united, many today have settled for keeping peace, deeming unity as only too daunting an aspiration.

We firmly believe that this passionate prayer of Christ is paramount to our faith. While theological disparities may persist until we all attain perfect knowledge, the call for the demonstration of God’s love as one body on earth to bring Him glory is a command and passion of our Lord that cannot be ignored or compromised. (Matt 5:16).

And rightly so, as you can Imagine what can be achieved if the passion, will and resources of 380 million Christians in Asia alone comes together to work, to share, to pray. I believe that we are all willing. But how can one do unless one knows, and how can one knows unless one shares, and how can one share without the means to do so?

Today, technology is that very means, and that is the inspiration behind Koinonia.Cloud.


So why reinvent the wheel when we can leverage on existing social platforms. Well, the answer is simple. Being profit driven, these platforms are often shrouded in materialism, sensualism and consumerism - things that drives revenue but are clearly in stark contrast against biblical principles. Not to mention their content policies and online culture is often in conflict with godly values.

In contrast, Koinonia.Cloud aspires to be a platform grounded in Christian love with sanctified content shared by fellow believers and faith organisations to support good works to further God’s kingdom. We promise to be without fear or favour. But at the same time, we will strictly abide by the principle that all that happens on Koinonia.cloud from events to comments must be undergirded by Christ-like love.

Your Support

The work involved, as some of you who might be more tech savvy can imagine, is immense. By God’s grace and provision we have brought the project thus far with the little that we have. But much remains to be done. More modules. Better features and friendlier user experience. Network and server infrastructure to support more users and staff to support them. That all translate to a significant cost that is well beyond our means, although by faith well within God’s.

The early plans were to make the project commercially viable so as to woo potential investors. But we were subsequently led to be believe that serving His people must be our foremost priority. Hence instead of subjecting ourselves to commercial terms, we decided by faith to have it supported by God through His people’s participation and contributions.

To participate, simply sign up at https://koinonia.cloud. The mobile app is being uploaded to Apple Appstore and Google Playstore as we speak and we will keep you updated about its availability. Apart of being simply being users, if you feel called to be part of this vision with your talent, we need more people to join us as volunteers and advocates. Simply email us at serve@koinonia.cloud.

Finally, we need funds to continue this journey. We are not affiliated to any church or mission organisation. Instead we are just a small team that was led down this path by divine inspiration. We will like to ask that you prayerfully consider supporting us financially. If the Spirit prompts you to so do, regardless the amount, your support will be much appreciated.

We earnestly pray and hope that with your active participation, this project can serve as an instrument to unite God's people in love and good works.
