Divine Harmony: Bible Cover With Heavenly Music

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The Team

  • Matthew Larson

Merry Christmas and God Bless! My name is Matthew and I recently felt a calling to share the Holy Bible in a new innovative way.

I am in the early stages of developing a Bile cover that will play your favorite Christian songs randomly 3 times a day giving the essence of God calling out to you to become a daily reader of God's Word bringing you to a deeper, more intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father!

A simple google search shows that the number one best selling book of all time-year after year goes unread by the majority of the population! How could this be? God inspired me to begin thinking of ways to encourage daily readers to change life's for Christ!

Your generous support will help bring this product to fruition and help to change life's around the world!

Please go to GodsCallingBible.com to learn more and join us in this mission to share the Gospel in a new way!

Thank you and God Bless! 
