Alissa Goes to South Asia!

Given by 12 generous donors
105% Complete
Help us reach our goal of $2,000

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The Team

  • Alissa Cox

Hi! If we haven't met yet, my name is Alissa. Last year, I had the opportunity to go to South Asia to help train local church members/leaders in discipleship. A few months later, I found myself on another plane back to South Asia to do another training. 

God put a deep love in my heart for this region of the world. The people, the colors, the food, and the chaos. I fell in love with it all. I have been praying for ways to go back and God has opened a door! 

I have been blessed to make some great friends and connections through the trainings I have been apart of. One of those friends happens to be an amazing leader in the local church and has a women's ministry. She has invited me to help her with ministry for three weeks in April. 

The plan is to help share the gospel with Unreached People Groups and train Believing women in various cities across the region. I am so excited for the opportunity to partner with my sister in Christ who God is using to advance His kingdom. (For safety reasons, I am not including too many details. Please reach out to me if you would like to know more about this trip) 

South Asia has the largest concentration of lost people in the world. It isn't uncommon for someone to not know a single Christian. It isn't uncommon for the nearest church to be hours away. It isn't uncommon to meet someone who has never heard the name of Jesus. But God is going to change that! 

Would you please consider donating?

I see this as a partnership. It isn't just me going to South Asia to share the gospel and train Believers on my own. We are part of the same Body of Christ. Just like there are different functions of our physical bodies, there are different functions to the Body of Christ. Maybe you aren't called to go on a fifteen hour flight to South Asia, eat spicy food, and endure crazy traffic for the sake of sharing the gospel. And that's okay!

But please pray and consider that maybe you're called to help support the ones that are being sent to the least Christ-filled parts of the world. 

Thank you so much! 



Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
David Antedomenico
Tomas-Franc A Hall
Joann F Cox
Grace Drake
Gregory Martin
Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
Anonymous WayGiver
Heather Richardson
Anonymous WayGiver