Fundraiser for persecuted Brother Deaa

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Help us reach our goal of $5,000

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The Team

  • Jason Loyash

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

OMS Ministries, in collaboration with The Saviour Baptist Church in Toronto, Canada, is supporting Brother D in his quest to raise $18,500 for refugee status and eventual citizenship in Canada. The Saviour Baptist Church will act as Brother D's sponsor for one year as he establishes himself in Canada. Brother D has already gathered $11,500 towards his goal, and OMS Ministries has committed to raising an additional $5,000. We kindly seek your assistance in reaching this target.

Background: Brother D, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, has faced severe persecution for his faith in the LORD Jesus Christ. I befriended Brother D during a mission
trip to a Middle Eastern nation in 2019, where he had fled persecution. He continues to faithfully serve the LORD through the church in a Middle Eastern nation and endures persecution from the government. Brother D seeks a new home where he can live without fear.

Call to Action: We humbly ask for your support in blessing Brother D and encourage you to share this with fellow Christians. Your financial contributions and prayers, guided by GOD's will, are deeply appreciated. Our goal is to reach the $5,000 target by April 15, 2024. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about Brother D's fundraiser.


Minister Jason | O Morning Star Ministries 


Mission Statement:

To share and teach the biblical LORD GOD and Savior Jesus Christ to people from other faiths.

Vision Statement:

50+ year tenure and 1m+ souls won to LORD GOD and Savior Jesus Christ.


*Name has been changed for security purposes*
