The Aleph Project

Given by 4 generous donors
4% Complete
220 days left to reach our $30,000 goal

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The Team

  • The Aleph Project
  • Generosity Foundation

Mission Worker — J.O. serving with The Aleph Project

Mission — House Church Plant & Chaplaincy Ministry located in Lakeshore Ontario, Canada

Who is J.O. and what is the “ministry” God has given her?

J.O., a follower of Christ for 41 years, has lived and worked in 3 of the 4 corners of the world, serving Him in various ministry capacities for 31 years. Her mission experience has focused on teaching/discipleship, leadership development and organizational management of a Christian non-profit. J.O. is now launching out on a 3rd tour of ministry to a farming community in Lakeshore, Ontario. We are asking for your support to send her on her way.

Why the initials —

J.O.'s 31 years abroad has been carried out in politically and spiritually sensitive areas of the world. It is becoming increasingly difficult to serve openly as a follower of Jesus in the world today. Many countries are making it difficult to obtain visas. J.O. is using her initials to protect her ability to gain future access to these sensitive areas as the Lord leads.

The Aleph Project

As an independent contractor ministering under the name “The Aleph Project,” J.O. is the Project Director with a degree in theology and a licensed Chaplain. The Aleph Project is affiliated with Generosity Foundation, a 501 (c3) tax id #31363. TAP's doctrinal statement is available upon request, see email address below.

J.O. was “sent out” by her local church fellowship (Calvary) in the early 1990's and has continued to enjoy their blessing and support ever since.

She is raising an initial $15,000 as her “outgoing need”, but is also in need of additional monthly funding. As you can imagine, after 31 years, many supporters have gone on to be with Jesus or economic circumstances have changed for her support team. She needs to “top up” her regular support amount of $2,500 per month.

The Aleph Project is involved in two projects in Ontario, Canada.

1) Consulting, training and otherwise assisting local farmers establish a “house church” style of fellowship in their community. There is a deep need in this farming community for Christian outreach and fellowship.

2) Providing volunteer chaplain services with a christian non-profit organization helping refugee claimants. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach internationals in need in whatever way that might look like.

Partner with The Aleph Project and be an eternal blessing to others, as God uses you to help build our Lord's Kingdom in the hearts of people. Please prayerfully consider supporting this important project.

Here's a thought to take with you today:

Apart from the Lord Himself, senders (Romans 10:13-16) are key to impacting the world for mission. Without “senders”, how can anyone go — whether they give financially or prayerfully? Senders are the “heroes” in the whole process and are called just as much as those who “go” are. Please, contemplate on the word “sent” in this passage and be encouraged in your mission.


“I have known J.O. for more than 30 years. I have found her to be trusted, faithful, and fruitful in mission service through the years. I highly encourage you to join her support team.”

— Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The Five Love Languages”

“It has been my honor to know J.O. for 20 plus years. I have observed her heart for winning the lost, discipling the converted, and ministering to the hurting. J.O. is able to cross cultural barriers and show empathy to those who need ministry. All the skills needed to be a great chaplain!”

— Rev. Steve Hardy (J.O.'s former Missions Pastor, Calvary Church)

“I have known J.O. for over 30 years. I have been very blessed to be on her support team a good many of those years and I can attest to the fact that she is always involved in meaningful, relevant ministry to those in need. J.O. is extremely honest, has a servant heart, and seeks God in everything she does.”

— Gary Sipes, Team J.O. long-time supporter

“I commend J.O. as one of our members who has been serving most faithfully as a missionary for decades. She is totally committed to serve in any capacity and is deep in understanding God's Word.”

— Pastor Matt Willis, Missions Pastor Calvary Church


Thank you for your partnership in ministry. The need is great and the field is ripe unto harvest. Let's go together. - J.O.

If you prefer donating by check or if you want more information about this work, please contact:

TAP at

Please do not forget to share this link ( on your social media pages. Boost this site so J.O. can go.

Update #1

Please note:  If you choose to give to this project anonymously, you will not be able to receive a tax deductible receipt.  Thank you.  J.O., The Aleph Project


Gary Sipes
Anonymous WayGiver
Roberta Meyer
Anonymous WayGiver